Stata merge
Stata merge

stata merge
  1. Stata merge how to#
  2. Stata merge software#
  3. Stata merge code#
stata merge

Other users who have found the question cross-posted are encouraged to share the links as a reply as well. Note Stata creates a merge variable in the merged results, which indicates how the merge was done for each observation. If you've asked a question, let people know where else you asked the question and what your solution(s) were! When you post a question on another platform, include those links in your questions or as a reply (if it's Discord, just mention it).

Stata merge how to#

See the sticked "READ ME: How to best ask for help in /r/Stata" post on how to comment here if all else fails. Stata has commands for dropping duplicates, but it is also important to understand why there a duplicates.

Stata merge software#

A common problem with merging occurs when there are duplicate observations, which prevent the software from matching. Make sure to include the word "Stata" in your search query. Stata wont let you merge another dataset if merge is already there. Perform a web search for your question prior to posting here. Stata's online community has been active for many years and many questions and solutions are documented on StataList, which are highly indexed on contemporary search engines (e.g., Google). You merge when you want to add more variables to an existing dataset (type help merge in the command window for more details) What you need: Both files should be in Stata format Both files should have at least one variable in common (id) Step1. Stata has extensive and complete documentation you can read before posting here (and you can type help followed by the command name in console to see it, e.g. This is not a place to find Stata tutoring. For example, suppose you have two data sets about cars, named domestic and foreign. The teffects psmatch command has one very important advantage over psmatch2 : it takes into account the fact that propensity scores are estimated rather than known when calculating standard errors. With the append command, you can combine two data sets into one file. However, Stata 13 introduced a new teffects command for estimating treatments effects in a variety of ways, including propensity score matching. If you are adding variables, use the merge command (see Merge two data sets in Stata).However, if you are adding cases, use the append command. Do not request that the /r/Stata community do your homework for you. In Stata, you can combine data sets in one of two ways. Assume good faith questions and comments. Be nice when posting or commenting to a post.Exercise: examine the following pairs of data sets: 2000acsrace and 2000acseducation 2000acsadults and 2000acschildren.

Stata merge code#

The Code Block on Discord (run by Asjad Naqvi of The Stata Guide) Note that you cannot carry out another merge until you drop or rename the merge variable, so Stata can create a new one.

Stata merge